Seven K Company

Welcome!  Our creative team is just a phone call away.  1-800-498-3179

We invite you to search our website for products to meet your marketing and recognition needs:

  • Promotional Products
  • Branded Merchandise
  • Corporate Apparel
  • Awards and Recognition

Additionally, we can provide company stores, employee recognition programs and custom recognition walls.

We love providing ideas that help and inspire our customers.  Let our industry knowledge and high standards of customer service add value to your project. 

Our website contains both new and tried and true products!  It's exciting.  And at times it may feel like a bit too much.  We are here to help.  At Seven K Company we look forward to working with you to provide tailored solutions that will yield the best results.  

Featured Blogs

  • The Power of Perceived Value

    The Power of Perceived Value

    In marketing terminology, perceived value is what consumers think a product is worth to them. Outside factors like personal memories or associations, celebrity endorsements, resemblance to a higher...
